
Friday, November 21, 2014

My Midnight Vent

For 25 days in July, I was terrified I may have ovarian cancer. Even though I paraded around with a huge smile on my face, the inner me was terrified. So I reached out to people. For everyone that responded and covered me with prayer, I will always be eternally grateful to them, especially my sisters, my daughters, my nieces and nephews.

But there's this one chick that I called and left an urgent message with her and sent her a text message that said "please call me it's very important". She never responded.

Last Monday was my birthday, and she decided to call me and I decided not to take the call. She called both phones and I didn't answered neither of them. Tonight she called both phones again. And again, I didn't answer. While checking my home phone voicemail, she left a message saying she really needed to talk to an old friend and vent. The first thought in my head was, what the hell.

This is the same woman that mocked me when I went through my divorce, didn't offer a pinch of comfort. This is the same woman that called me a couple of days after I buried my father to tell me how good her life is going. She did stop for a couple of seconds when I asked her if she realized I just buried my father and didn't want to hear about her good life, then she proceeded to keep talking.

I have been this woman's shoulder for so many things, including her drug abuse, each time. And various other things. But this time, I won't be turning the other cheek. She can call my phone until the cows grow wings and start flying, this shoulder is no longer available. And since I no longer have hormones, and at the request of my daughters, I agreed to watch my mouth filter, I might not want to answer the phone.

But maybe I should so I can tell her how I feel. I can't promise I might not cuss her out. Better yet, I'll remain silent and keep ignoring the phone calls. After all that's what she does best.

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