
Friday, November 14, 2014

My Tears

As I lay here crying and hurt, I thank You God for giving me the strength to move on. My time was not wasted, it was a good experience for me. I have no regrets. I'm glad I took the chance and will never have to worry about the what if, because now I know. We met for a reason and we had our season. I'm glad I followed the advice of a friend from long ago, date him for all four seasons to get full view of him. What he thought was a life time option is an opportunity lost. When I told him he was going to miss me when I'm gone, he thought it was a joke. No joking matter when you don't cherish what God has allowed you to have. Would I change any of my, because I did what I felt and wanted to do. In the end, I realize I have a good heart. Bitterness can't occupy it. Death of a parent and sibling has taught me I can survive anything because nothing on earth can hurt as much as losing true love ones. This temporary hurt I feel today, won't last long. It's not what I expected for my birthday present but it's what I got.

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