
Saturday, April 2, 2016

My One Year Journey With It Works

The July 2014 post surgery left me with what is called the swelly belly and in full menopause. After a complete hysterectomy, my abdominal area was still distorted from all the junk that had been going on with my female organs. Because of my family history for female cancers, my doctor recommended only using natural products. Getting back to exercising was a big struggle because my energy level was extremely low. Now add my love affair with food, cookies, chocolate, cakes and ice cream. The combination of all this, left me too heavy for running (for me) and too thick and wide for my clothes. Not a good feeling to pass by a mirror naked. Then one day, I received a Facebook invite to sample It Works products. I went, I was impressed by what I sampled and saw, so I joined to get the 40% discount on the wraps. And I figured a little extra income on the side wouldn't hurt. I started with using the wraps, Fat Fighters and Greens to help with the weight loss and energy. Over the course of my one year with It Works, I have tried several of the products. The weight began to fall off. Then my birthday month and the holidays hit, all the progress I gained was lost in those two months. Then another invite to join the 2016 New Year New You Challenge. We had to agree to using It's Vital Core Nutrition, Greens and the Body Wraps. My two biggest issues were eating and exercising. So my goal was to build up to working out regularly and start eliminating the crazy eating. The first quarter of 2016 has been a huge success! My clothes have wiggle room and the scale is dropping. I realize my way of trimming down isn't for everyone. As for me, I'm sticking to what is working for me. I can't wait to see my 2017 photo.

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