
Saturday, June 22, 2013


There was a bit of miscommunication between me and my Muse which lead to a somewhat heated phone conversation today. He wouldn’t allow me to say a word until he had his say. I have to admit assumptions on my part have led to this entire blow up.

How two people that have always had open communication suddenly don’t, is the responsibility of both parties. He kept asking me what was wrong and I kept saying nothing. I had some personal things going on in my life and went into quiet mode. This broke an agreement we had, we don’t have to say what’s wrong, just ask the other to pray.

By the end of our conversation, he had regained his position as my Muse. I realized I have a great friend in him, he just wants me to be happy, even at the risk of his feelings being hurt. And since I hurt his feelings by something I wrote, the published and the one that shall remain unpublished, it’s up to me to make amends. He said there’s no need to make amends, but if I were on the receiving end, I would want him to make amends. So if I want it, he deserves it.


  1. i love when things work out as they should. i recently had a friendship come to an end due to communication issues. having watched this person ruin & almost ruin several relationships in their life because of her communication skills, or lack thereof, i really wasn't surprised when she magnified those issues in our friendship. when she unfriended me, i blocked her. her actions were the answer to a prayer: "let go!"

    1. I'm glad things worked out as well. Sorry about your friend, maybe this will cause her to re-evaluate herself.
