
Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Dream Trip to Puerto Rico

For most of my adult life I have wanted to go to San Juan, Puerto Rico. Well, I finally was able to fulfill my dream vacation, and run a half marathon. Twice I had to postpone this trip, once because I couldn't afford to go and I didn't have anyone willing to go with me, the pitfalls of being born couple of weeks before Thanksgiving. The other time, I was recovering from surgery.
So last year I set my goal on going to San Juan for my pre-birthday celebration and to participate in Run Like A Diva Half Marathon. Two of my running buddies agreed to go too.
The island was more beautiful and bigger than I expected. There are 70 cities on the island. So we only saw a portion of the island. We stayed in San Juan at the Conando Lagoon Villas at Caribe Hilton Resort. An amazing place. We had an ocean view studio, in which we were able to look at another city. There was an indoor tropical garden that had more lizards and iguanas than I like to see. One time I was standing next to one and didn't know it. Trying to get a good look at the ducklings, I stood right by it. Then I saw it, I scared, couldn't catch my breath, lol!
Let me back up, we arrived on the island on Thursday evening. It was hot. We got dropped off at our first hotel, but we went into the wrong building. We went into some condos, our hotel was next door. It had started raining, which we found out later that it was the rainy season, raining daily for spurts of 10 minutes. Umbrellas are a must have.
The hotel was old, no elevator. I had two heavy suitcases. We had an actual key, no card, but a key. The AC was a window unit attached to the wall. The water was luke warm for our shower. But we were surrounded by several restaurants.
Friday we checked into the resort, which just happened to be a 2 mile walking distance from the first hotel. A good thing because our favorite restaurant was this place called Punks Bistro and Bar.
We tried to walk to the famous fort but the heat and rain made us turn around. We found out during our race, we were only two blocks away before we turned around. We did so much walking, several times I reached over 15,000 steps.
Saturday was race expo and beach hangout day. The view was amazing. Sunday was race day. It was our running tour of some the island. There was no community support, a first.
Monday we visited the El Unique Rain Forest. Our guide was the best. He gave us a history lesson on everything. We had to walk 98 steps to the top of this observation tower. We would have been able to see St. Thomas is it weren't so cloudy. The clouds were the courtesy of South Africa, something was going on in that continent. We did a little rock climbing to reach this waterfall. Again, amazing. I was so nervous going in, I panicked a little.
Tuesday was our rum tasting experience and touring of Old San Juan. The GPS said a 45 minute walk. NOT!!! It took us one hour and 30 minutes. Talk about hot and sweaty. But the things we were able to see was so worth the walk. We received a great history lesson about rum and tasted some very good rums. Let's say Baracadia isn't my favorite, I got two new favorites. Neither are sold in the US.
One intriguing thing, the blue bricks from Spain. The Spaniards used the bricks as trade for the sugar cane. Several areas of the hilly streets were built with the blue bricks, which are very slippery, to prevent mud from accumulating during the rain. We finally got to taste Monfongo, one of the native foods. Talk about delicious! I have got to get the recipe.
Wednesday was our goodbye to the island day. We had a grand time, some things and several things will be left on the island...what happened in Puerto Rico, stays in Puerto Rico. Next time, no running, just exploring.

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