
Wednesday, November 11, 2015

I'm An Entrepreneur... Again!

In an effort to find a way to get my shape back after fibroids and endomitosis distorted it, and surgery left me swollen, I attended an It Works Wrap Party. The presentation of a the fabulous products was wonderful. So I joined as a Distributor, just to get the discount on the wraps and make a couple of hundred dollars. That soon changed as I slowly saw my body transforming back to normal for me.

So I started trying more products. The Greens, Fat Fighters, ProFit, Green Chews and It's Essential Energy Weight Loss Bars helped get me back on track to working out and running again. My energy has been so low since my surgery, I was drinking so much coffee and eating other junk to stay awake at work. But with drinking Greens daily, my energy level started increasing. Recovery time from running and my gym workouts started improving.

As people became interested in the It Works products, I became a product of the products. My hair wasn't growing, I started taking Hair Skin Nails. Then I ordered the entire line of the facial products. The dark circles under my eyes are fading. My guy friend said he didn't know who was putting that glow on my face, but he wishes it was him. My nails are growing too, but since I've never really been a finger nails chick, I keep breaking them.

I use the ENERGY drinks as my road trip drink to replace the mountain dew I used to drink.

To help get my body ready for my upcoming marathon in March 2016, I started the Fab Four Challenge. The Fab Four is ThermoFit, Fat Fighters, Greens and the Wraps. I take 2 ThermoFit at breakfast and one at lunch. I drink Greens one to two times per day. I use the Fat Fighters for those days I blow it by not maintaining an 90% healthy diet. I wrap every third or fourth day. I'll be done with the challenge the end of November.

Next I'll focus on muscle development by taking New You. New You serves a dual purpose, muscle development and a good night of sleep. Menopause has robbed me of my sleep. Some nights I fall asleep in my clothes with all the lights on. Other nights, I could go 24 hours with no sleep. Not anymore. When I notice it's an insomnia night, I take two New You, and a good night of sleep, waking up refreshed and new.

Let me know if you want to get started on a more healthier lifestyle. It Works products might just be what you have been searching for.

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