
Thursday, July 24, 2014

My Last Mensual Cycle

My last mensual cycle of my life started Wednesday, July 23, 2014. And since I'm only able to take Tylenol because of my pending surgery, I have been sick, really sick. Cramping and nauseated.

I was able to make it home from work before the serious cramping started. By 11:30 pm, I was gripping the toilet bowl pucking. I was pucking so bad, my throat started bleeding.

The next day, I tried to make it to work on time but the constant vomiting delayed me for 2 hours. When I made it to work, some of my coworkers noticed my pale face and jumped into assistance mode. I lasted at work 2-1/2 hours.

I tried to eat something else besides crackers, but that didn't work. Now after 9 pm, the cramps are starting to ease up and the vomiting and nasuea have stopped. I think I can drink something else besides Ginger Ale but I won't try to eat anything until tomorrow.

I have been going through this for 12 years and on July 28th, it will come to an end. I will not miss it. So even though I'm nervous about the surgery, I'm thankful I won't ever again be experiencing this part of womanhood.

Good-bye monthly cycle. Life with you has been both a pleasure and a pain.

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