
Saturday, June 18, 2011

Why Online Dating is Not for Me

I’ve decided to give up online dating; I told myself when I return from my high reunion I would delete my page. I was meeting one jack butt after another. One guy said he picked my profile because I reminded him of his ex-wife; we had a similar style he liked. Another guy constantly sent me text messages saying Hi, nothing else, no phone calls, just Hi. One guy bugged me so much about sending him a picture of a dress I bought for my reunion, I knew he wouldn’t make it. Then he stood me up, not once, but twice. Yep, the joker stood me up twice, and then had the nerve to send me a text message the next day saying “Hi Sweetie, I was thinking of you”. What the heck? He didn’t understand me when I said lose my number, he thought I meant at that moment because he kept texting me and tried calling. He’s on the Do Not Reply list in my cell phone.  Another offered to send me pictures of his body parts, no thanks. A guy in Austin was upset because I didn’t want to have sex with him. He said at my age, I needed it constantly, so I needed to stop being in denial. Dude didn’t know I have a relationship with God, so his comment didn’t apply to me.

Needless to say, I have come across some junk. I’m not sure why so many men seem to think women my age are desperate and will accept anything. The fact is, we are not desperate, and we don’t have to be. We don’t believe the various articles about women our age will never get married. We don’t believe the articles about the poor selection of eligible black men. So please do us a favor and don’t believe them either.

I ended up closing my account before I returned from my reunion, that’s how much fun I had. After I made it through all the pop ups to prevent me from closing my account, the account is gone. I won’t be trying online dating again, not knocking it, it’s just isn’t for me. I’ll stick to the old fashion way of just meeting someone while out doing whatever. Like my friend Cathy once told me, all men are the same, they just look different so we can tell which one belongs to us.

My 30 Year All Schools Reunion

The Executive Committee for the All Schools Reunion

Last weekend I attended my 30 year all schools reunion, if I said I had a good time, it would be an understatement. A week later, I’m still tired. We had a wonderful turnout despite some people trying to sabotage it. My trip to Omaha started out wrong; I overslept and missed my flight. Thankfully, I was on Southwest Airlines because they have a two hour miss your flight rule. So I had to hurry to the airport, during rush hour traffic. The 30 minute trip to the airport took 15, don’t ask, but the HOV lane helped. While I was taking my luggage out of the car, I realized I had left my other carryon bag. The bag contained my toiletries, make-up, and jewelry. I could survive the weekend without my toiletries; I have an extra set at my Mom’s house. I could use my friend’s make-up, but I needed the right jewelry to go with my outfits. I was so glad my co-worker could FedEx my left behind items to me.

Thursday night was our Meet and Greet, we had more people attend then we expected. Everyone looked great, healthy and happy. There was a lot of hugging and laughter from seeing friends we hadn’t seen from the last reunion or some since graduation. One classmate became our dance instructor for those of us that didn’t know how to do the “wobble”. This was also the night the Dallas Mavs beat the Miami Heat; Texas can handle the “heat”. And of course, Big T had his dance off with the ladies from Tech High.

Friday night, we had our dinner and dance at the grand ballroom of the Doubletree Hotel. Everyone had on their best and the entire event was sold out. Cameras were flashing left and right, more hugs and surprised to see you comments. Dancing again until our feet hurt; some ladies were smart enough to have an extra set of flat shoes with them.

Saturday, we had our picnic, lots of food, drinks, and fellowship; more people showing up. The best surprise was the arrival of our middle school principal, Mr. James Freeman. He held a special spot in our hearts because he was probably one of the few school administers that sincerely cared about us and wanted to see us being successful. Mr. Gene Haynes, the principal from Tech High, showed up as well.

Our Saturday night party was almost a bust because the original place we were suppose to have our event, decided to book two additional events along with ours. So the Executive Committee decided to move our party to the Native Omahan Club which turned out to be a huge success. The NO Club sold out all of their liquor. Even though we were packed in tight and it was hot; we still danced until we were dripping wet. So glad I have natural hair because I had a new hairstyle by the end of the night.

Sunday was our time to worship God; I didn’t make it, I was extremely too tired and couldn’t go anymore. But from what I heard, a lot of our classmates were able to attend. This was also the night the Mavs beat the Heat again to become the NBA Champions.

Our Facebook group page has been filled with comments of how much fun everyone had and pictures of all the events. I’m so looking forward to our 35 year reunion. Just think our all schools reunions started when several of us were on the missing list from the high schools of attendance for the 20 year reunions. Funny thing, our parents and/or other family members still either live or own our childhood homes. It would be a great thing if we could get every student that graduated from an Omaha school, in 1981, to celebrate together, racial lines could be broken.