
Sunday, August 17, 2014

Post Surgery

I'm into my third week post recovery, it hasn't been easy. Others that have had the same surgery, say they didn't experience as many discomforts I'm experiencing. But while watching church on TV this morning, the Holy Spirit spoke to me. Don't rush recovery, enjoy this time alone with me. After this message, I heard the doctor's words again....your cut is longer than planned because your uterus was much larger than expected, therfore your recovery will take longer.

So as I lay and sit around my house, some good days and some painful days, I thank God for covering me. I was diagnosed with two forms of endometriosis, one was causing me to bleed into the lining of my uterus. My doctor and his assistant surgeon were both amazed that I never felt ill and/or in pain on a daily basis. That's why I say God covered me.

This time to think has also given me time to think about the new life I have been given. Some things about me will stay the same, but some things need to change.