
Monday, January 1, 2018

Hello 2018

I entered the New Year in a different way. I attended my cousin's house party. Usually after church I go home and allow the TV to put me to sleep. But this year, I want to do things a little different.

This year I will be challenging myself physically. I'm planning to participate in my first ultra marathon, 50K or 31.1 miles. The next week the Little Rock Marathon. I've been trying to do this event since 2013. Next, 3 states in one week, Bear Lake Trifecta. After that, back to back half marathons, 2 states in one weekend.

Some ask why. I ask why not. Everyone has a goal. Mine just happens to be running. My ultimate goal is to run a half marathon in all 50 states before or by my 60th birthday. I have 33 states to conquer.

My other goals, get back to my other hobbies and produce income from those hobbies. I like sewing and writing. I stop sewing when Ge'Von became involved in sports and other activities. Then Zaneta started in sports and activities. For me, it was more important to put my life on hold until they achieved legal age.

Well, guess what, both are grown women, handling their own. So now, I can get back to me, the things I like, stuff I want to do.

Traveling is another thing I enjoy. Exploring the earth and different cultures is amazing to me. I see through spiritual eyes, He created this? He really took the time to create this for me to see? How awesome is that?

I'm also ready for a committed relationship. One on one, no secondary person. Yeah, Lenora wants her own man. While purging some clutter, I found a note to the Lord of what I wanted in a man, expected in a relationship. As I read it, I realized the last relationships didn't have those qualities. I had accepted what was presented, not what I wanted. Not anymore, no more fake it until he comes.

Another thing I need to tackle, my home renovations. Every room in my house has a started and unfinished project. I have got to finish one of them. One thing I did manage, remove the majority of the carpet. Only 2 rooms to go.

Another plan for 2018, more savings and less debt. I've started on some short term savings, which can easily be converted into long term savings. I have less than 12 years until full retirement age and have no plans to work beyond those years.

So as 2018 starts, so will my life changes. I hope you enjoy watching.