
Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Cholesterol Moved

Have you ever run so hard you could feel something moving on the inside? Well, that’s what it felt like yesterday, I could feel the cholesterol moving out of my heart valves. I completed my 3rd half marathon, the Hot Mama Virtual Half Marathon held by Moms Run This Town Online Running Group. July 28 was its usual hot day, the morning temperature at 6 am was 79 and the heat index was predicted to be 105-108. My running group set a plan to start running at 6 am, our normal start time on Saturdays, but of course I was running late. When I finally made it to River Legacy Park in Arlington, a 30 minute, non-traffic drive from my house, everyone had already started. I started 10:45 after everyone; I could see the other runners approach the other side of the 1.9 mile loop as I started. I thought to myself, I’ll catch up with someone; someone is going to run out of gas.

I made the first loop at a pace of 11:39, I’m doing good, I thought to myself. My instructions were to enter the path at the second entrance, I did but I didn't see anyone. So I ran back off the trail and ran to the third entrance, I still didn’t see anyone, but decided to proceed anyway. A little about River Legacy Park, it’s heavily wooded area where wildlife like to hangout. The trails are color marked by distance. I was on the blue trail, all alone and I realized I left my mace in my car, dang it. I thought it might be a good idea to pick up my pace. Then a biker passed me, so I thought I need to keep sight of him. Did the best I could but who was I kidding, he was going over 20 mph, I was only averaging in the single digits. But thanks to him, I was able to complete mile 2 and 3 at 11:39 and 11:01 pace.

Usually after mile 3, I walk to regain my energy, but I heard my running buddy Marilyn, saying Lenora you can do 4 miles nonstop, so I kept moving. I decided I would start my run/walk intervals at mile 5, but the Black Eyed Peas song “Let’s Get It Started” came on, so I decided to run through this song. The song took me straight into mile 6. I stopped running to take a drink break and adjust my hydration belt; I looked up to see Sarah aka Speed Angel (pace 7-8) heading back. That’s when I decided I needed to hurry to the turnaround point because I would definitely catch up with the slower pace runners. When I made it to the turnaround, I didn’t see anyone but since I took the wrong path in the beginning, I was ahead of the mile markers, so I turned around to head back. My goal was to slowly run miles 7-9. I heard and saw something moving in the bushes and got scared, then I heard “Hey Girlie” from behind me on the trail, it was Awesome Alice, so I decided to keep up with her. She had me moving faster than I have ever ran and further than I planned to run nonstop, I could actually feel the cholesterol moving out of my heart valves. Alice got me to the end of trail with only 1.5 miles to go. Now I could walk, that’s when the confusion set in, I look at my watch incorrectly and read that I needed to complete 2 miles, so I jumped back on the blue trail, twice before hitting the final loop. Confusion still working because I couldn’t tell which direction to run. There was also another race, so since I kept running in circles, I was confusing their race monitors.

Finally, I told myself to get off the trail and just run to the finish line, but I still was reading my watch incorrectly, so I ran past the finish line to loop around and come back after I reached 13 miles. That’s when it dawned on me to stop and check my watch; it read 12.95, well I’ll be darned. I turned around and headed back, finish line in sight; but no silly me trying to turn off my music, I hit the stop button. I had to re-start my watch to get the remaining .06 to have an official distance. I finished with an official time of 2:32:44, my best time to date. I really am a Hot Mama that runs.