
Sunday, June 10, 2012

My Second Half Marathon

Today (6/10/12), I ran my second half marathon, the Wounded Warrior Half. This wasn’t a good race for me because I originally wanted to participate, but later changed my mind. I changed my mind because I knew I wasn’t really prepared for this race, lack of training. Since I convinced the other ladies of my running group to participate, it would have been wrong for me not to participate. Even though I finished 71 out of 99 in my age group of 45-49, I did pretty well for my first run in the Texas sun, 2:47:10. My body overheated and I completely lost all energy at mile 10.

Miles 1-6, I ran a 4:1 interval. Miles 7-10, I ran 3:1 interval. After mile 10, I was doing whatever I needed to get to the finish line. My feet and shins hurt, my sunglasses and sun visor began to give me a headache. I couldn’t get the water in my mouth fast enough. I didn’t know if my body was wet from sweating or the water I kept pouring on me.

At mile 11, some man came up behind me and two other women to give us some encouragement to finish. The four of us headed to the finish line together to end this race. Mile 11.5, I said bump this, I’m walking. Then that man showed up again. I finally made it to mile 12, but my body said “I think you need to walk”, so I did. Mile 12.5, I started running again. Thank God for Keisha being right at the finish line, she caught me as I collapsed. I remember Marilyn, Desiree, and Chandra helping me to the shade. They immediately started giving me fluids to drink. Marilyn held onto me the entire time. The plus about this route, no hills and the route shower.

After a few moments, we walked over to the food table to eat. My biggest mistake was drinking Muscle Milk. I knew I didn’t like the chocolate, so I thought I would try the vanilla crème. It tasted good going down, but afterwards it made me extremely sick. So sick, I became nauseous and almost passed out. The curb wasn’t a hard seat and in the right place. I don’t know who put the ice pack on my neck and I don’t know who started praying, but I felt the cool breeze that overcame my body. Now I’m convinced Muscle Milk is the devil’s brew.

I’m also glad I carpooled with Marilyn because there was no way I would have been able to drive home. Once I did get home, I took a luke warm shower and a four hour nap. I would have probably slept longer, but Tiger (my dog) wanted some one on one attention.

Lessons from this half: (1) never run without proper training; I didn’t train for this half; (2) Texas heat is no joke (90o and 57% humidity); proper and continuous hydration is a must; (3) it’s great to have a cheering squad at the finish line; and (4) I have more determination then I thought. I also gained a huge appreciation for my daughters, they both ran summer track, and now I know how they felt all those years. Now time to focus on the Too Hot Too Handle 15K in July and the Hottest Half in August; and to increase my cross training to build up my endurance.


  1. Lenora... I approve this message. Very entertaining read!

  2. Red, you did it! You crossed the finish line vertical and you've gained some valuable experience. Too Hot To Handle here we come! Alice

    1. I'm just seeing this comment. Yep, Too Hot Too Handle turned out be a fun run.

  3. You are such an inspiration. I'm thankful you push yourself, because push me.
