
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Bucket List Has Another Check Mark

Today I accomplished something I never thought I would ever want to achieve, I finished a half marathon. Yep me, Lenora No Middle Name Hearst. To think when Crystal and Warren asked me to get into running, I had only planned on participating in 5K and 10K races, nothing more. But through their encouragement and the support of Black Girls RUN! Dallas, especially Alice, Sarah, and Marilyn, and my coworker Brandon, I was able to tackle my first half marathon. I finished the Big D Texas Half Marathon in 2:44:47, 69th in my age group out of 98. Not bad for a first timer. And I finished vertically and uninjured.

I am on such a spiritual high. Today I had another spiritual connection to God through the weather. I didn’t see the rain as a hindrance; it was a gift to keep me cool. The wind that slowed me down at mile 6 was used to control my speed which helped me to reserve my energy for the hills I was about to overtake. My running buddy, Marilyn was a true Angel when it came to our last hill. I got into the middle of this steep hill and just stopped; my legs shutdown. But instead of leaving me, she came back to walk the hill with me. Soon after, we had a slight down pour, but to me, it was the Angels crying with tears of joy because we overcame every one of those hills. Around miles 10 and 11, the thunder started, but I heard Angels running to the finish line to greet us as we crossed it.

The biggest joy, my BGR sisters at the finish line cheering us through. Some of these ladies didn’t even run today, but they made sure they would be at the finish line. It was a celebration for us all. It was a first race distance for many of us. Our 5K ladies completed their first of many races, and they now have their eyes set on their first half marathon. They amazed themselves with their finishing times.

As for me, at this point in life, the half is all I need to accomplish. I would like to travel to all 50 states to obtain a finishers medal in each state. Hopefully, Hubby-to-be will have the same goal. But right now, I’ll just tackle the ones in Texas. I said by my 50th birthday, I would have one half completed, well Bucket List has another check mark.

Thank You Lord for blessing me with a can do spirit and a mind to see a closed door to others as a door that needs to be kicked down. 

Before the race

Who said Black Girls Don't Run?

BGR Dallas Southsiders


  1. Hey Lenora! I didn't realize you were blogging. Great job on journaling your experience. It makes me proud to see so many ladies of BGR complete this race...especiallby because they thought it was out of reach. As you know, through God, all things are possible. Keep up the great work!

    1. Yes, blogging is one of my stress relievers. I'm still on a high from my accomplishment.

  2. Ms Lenora you totally rock & inspire me to keep on. I have so many new shero's that I will continue to chase I want to be just like you at almost 50! Ve Byrd

    1. Ve, I'm having the time of my life. Never thought I would be feeling this good at my age. I still haven't figured out what I want to do for my 50th birthday.
