
Saturday, June 7, 2014

The Mother of the Bride

My first born, my gift I asked God for is getting married. This is a joyous occasion for her and me. She has always had the desire to become a wife. Now she has been presented with the opportunity.

At first, I was totally against her choice for her husband. But then, a very good friend, a praying good friend interceded. She told me seek God to make him into the husband and man of God she deserves, so I did.

To be able to watch how these two gel together has truly been a blessing. I wanted a husband for both my daughters, men they could and would be able to depend on. One that when things get tough, he will not seek out another woman to fulfill whatever he feels is missing from their relationship. My child has that in this man.

I want a protector for my granddaughters. A man that will learn to love them as if they have his blood running through their veins. A man that will drop by their classroom to make sure things are going well at school. A man that when they call him daddy, he responds as a daddy would.

The planning process for my child's wedding is very time consuming. My sister purchased her wedding dress. The search for the perfect accessories have begun. My desire is for her to be the princess walking down the aisle to her king.

Sending out invitations has be hecked. Thinking we have sent invitations to everyone, only to realize we have missed several family members. Some invitations came back with invalid addresses. So I hope people will understand, we have put forth our best effort.

The bummer in this whole exciting time in our lives, my body is trying to get sick and prevent me from helping the way I had intended. But we will make it work by refocusing.

Our refocus now, people are not replying to the RSVP line. I realize this may seem antiquated in this age of social media, but necessary to ensure we have prepared the correct amount of food, order the correct amount of place settings, etc. People will be ticked if they are not allowed to attend the reception because they failed to call the RSVP line. Saying I think I will attend or sending a text message or RSVPing on Facebook, is not acceptable. So come 11:59 pm on July 31, the RSVP line will be shut off. If we have met the required number of guest... We will have a list of guest that missed the deadline,  who will be able to attend if we have some last minute cancelations.

This moment is all about my baby and her beau, that's what matters to me right now. Since February 16, 1985, she has been one of the most important people in my life. Until after the reception on August 30, 2014, it will be all about her. Everything else will have to take a backseat.