
Saturday, July 9, 2016

It's Working for Me

Everyone has to find a solution to their own weight loss, body toning and/or total wellness goals. It Works products work for me. I wanted rapid weight loss and toning results, but I read that it wasn't a good idea if I wanted my results to last. So I decided for my 2016 New Year, New You goal, I would gradually lose the menopause weight and tone my entire body. My target date, November 30, 2016, the day before I board a plane to Negril, Jamaica.

I'm seeing the progress, I'm getting back into clothes I couldn't wear in 2015. The scale isn't moving but the inches are dropping. I pause a little longer in front of the mirrors now.

My products of choice:

Daily - Greens, It's Vital Core Nutrition, EstroRHYTHM and Hair Skin Nails

For workouts - ProFit, New You and It's Essential

My extras - Ultimate Body Applicator aka Body Wraps, Cleanse, Fat Fighters, Energy and Green Chews

I'm getting better and better with my diet, I still have food choices slip ups, but not like before. I'm getting better at preparing my own meals. I still like to drink alcoholic beverages, but I've limited myself to special occasions. My next special occasion will be my 54th birthday celebration in November and my trip to Negril in December.

If you're interested in starting your own weight loss, body toning and/or wellness journey the It Works way, contact me at 972-948-9816 or visit my website at I'm not an expert, I just know what's working for me.


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