
Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Moment I Could Have Lost Her

Sunday, October 2, 2011, wasn’t a good day for me. I was womanhood sick and had to watch church over the internet. By the way, thanks Bishop Jakes. In between naps and mad dashes to the bathroom, I was able to get a little homework completed.

I had just given NeNe a lecture about conducting her errands late at night. She said this was an emergency, they always are with her. She left the house, five minutes later, she called screaming and crying. Asking me why would he do this to her. Mother panic/calmness kicked in, what the hell was happening to my child. I finally was able to get her to tell me where she was, up the street, good she wasn’t far away. I took off running out of the house, and then I remembered, we have two cars. I jumped into NeNe’s car and raced up the street.

When I exited the subdivision, the police cars were already there with their lights on. As I got out of the car, I saw the damage to my car. I didn’t see her at first, then I heard her crying voice as she ran towards me, shaking like a tree in a storm. I didn’t give a dam about the car, I just needed to know my baby was alright. A fool decided to drive while he was sloppy drunk. He hit my car head on. The impact knocked the car out of the street onto the shoulder. I truly believe if the light pole wasn’t there, the car and NeNe would have gone into the deep ditch. And Mr. Drunk Driver decided to leave the scene of the accident. Thankfully, some other drivers chased him down and his girlfriend also called the police to turn him in.

Because of pending litigation, I can’t discuss NeNe’s injuries. All I can say is she survived. My almost paid off car, didn’t, it was a total lost.  But I have my baby, shaken and bruised, but alive.

I can’t really describe how I felt when I received the call, I just know I forgot about myself being ill. I’m surprised of how God has calmed me, I didn’t punch or try to attack Mr. Drunk Driver when the police brought him back to the scene of the accident. My only concern at that moment was NeNe.

I may not always say I love you to my daughters, but my actions speak volumes. I’m thankful for whatever reason God allowed this accident to happen. I’m extremely thankful He wasn’t ready to call NeNe home. I’m thankful this time I wasn’t stingy with my car, because if she had been driving her car, this post would be about something else.

1 comment:

  1. Great article!!! Life can change in an instant and we have no control! Working in the news business I have seen this scenario play over and over again, only it's much more tragic. Praise God she is okay. Tell your family you love them everyday!! And children, LISTEN TO YOUR PARENTS. There's no errand important enough that can't be done during daylight.
