
Saturday, January 28, 2012

1/1 - 1/28/2012 My Journey to A Half Marathon

So my journey to the half was temporary interrupted by College Algebra, but I passed the class with a B. Yay Me! I finally passed the 5 mile mark and I was so proud of myself. I had to call my long distance coach, Warren, so he could get me through my last two miles. Another reason to love him, because I had been really angry with him and saying some really mean stuff, but when I needed him to wake up and encourage me, he didn't hestitate. Sign of a good man. I accomplished 5.28 miles that Saturday morning.

Today, I didn't fare too well. My leg muscles were a little sore because I added a day of weight training and an extra day of running. I was only able to accomplish 4.80 miles; my legs just wouldn't go any further. After the run today I was hit by positive peer pressure by our other neighborhood leader, whom we call the Motivator. I will be participating in my first half marathon (13.1 miles) on April 15. Since this will be my first half, I'm going to do the jog/walk method. Training starts January 30. I'm a little nervous, but I'm also excited. But since the Motivator made the effort to get us a group discount, I might as well take advantage of it.

The good thing about the training schedule, it works well with my work and school schedule. I had already planned to start doing two a day workouts, three time a week, so I'll be easing into this training. And by the time I'm schedule to run my 10K on February 25, I will already be up to 6 miles. Another great thing about Black Girls RUN!, we have groups almost every where. All you have to do is put in a city, and a group that is close by will pop up. Which is a good thing for my trips to Omaha, because there's a start up group there as well.

And just in case you want to know, running is not a cheap sport. I need to invest in two more pairs of running shoes, my first pair I caught on sale with a BGR discount, $100. I need more clothes to run in because I'm losing inches, therefore the running pants are falling off. I need running socks, the cheapest I found started at $13 for three pairs. I need a running watch and GPS, because running with my phone is getting cumbersome. Then there's the entry fees for the races. Even though I get a discount on races through BGR and Dallas Running Club, I still have to shell out some money.

The upside about running, accomplishing goals I've set for myself. I've always challenged myself to do better, and this has been one of the best challenges thus far. I feel so good after running, I no longer rush home to take a nap because I am so full of energy. My body is slowly toning and I can see the muscles developing in my body. I sleep better at night, no more tossing and turning, straight to sleep. I just feel all around healthy and I know my internal organs are loving it. My stress level has dropped tremendously.

I am living the BGR slogan "Preserving the Sexy" because sexy is healthy. I'm in this MOVEment, no longer part of the WATCHment.

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