
Sunday, September 22, 2013

3rd Semester of My Pregnancy: Weeks 11-15

Week 11 (July 22 - 28): This week was another week of missed workouts. The A/C is out at my house, it takes longer for me to fall asleep, which makes me drowsy in the morning. Plus, I still have my cold and congestion and the medicine I've been taking makes me even more tired. Saturday morning, me and the running buddies changed our run to be more of a fun run. Even though I don't like waking up early mornings on Saturday, I woke up to met 5:1 triplets at Katy Trail for a 5:30 am run. They had 12 miles, I only need 10.5 miles. What made the run so much fun, we stop to take photos in front of the Dallas B_G. Then we met up with the other ladies that were starting up at 6:45 am. Sometimes large groups take more time to organize. Along the trail, we posed for more photos with the Dallas B_G.

Week 12 (July 29 - August 4): I'm on vacation and decided to still stick to my workouts. On Monday, I added the cycling to my training on my non-run days. Since I arrived in Omaha late in the evening, I didn't go to the gym Tuesday morning. Wednesday, I headed to the local YMCA and ran my 3 miles on the treadmill. It took me a moment to figure out how to adjust it. I finally just settled for manual and it worked better for me. Thursday morning at the YMCA, my intentions were to run 30 minutes of slow pace run on the treadmill and the weights. Instead, I got trick into attending a boot camp called MOVE. And move is what we did. I don't know how many times we ran back and forth on the basketball court, I lost count. Then we had to do bear crawls and one backwards bear crawl. This was a difficult task for me because I kept losing my balance when I stood up. One time I slipped and hit my head against the brick wall, OUCH! After the floor fun, we did bench pressing, the stream and sauna rooms. I felt pretty detoxed after sitting in those rooms.

Week 13 (August 5 - 11): I blew this week off, no gym time. I'll use the sharing of my car with NeNe as my excuse. Saturday's BGR Group Run turned into a walk because of the pink running shoes that were meant for short distance miles, not long distance miles. The pink shoes didn't belong to me. Then there was the armadillo that I thought was chasing us, which caused us to sprint.

Week 14 (August 12 - 18): I blew this week of too, no gym time again. But I did some exercising at home, just some. I will be missing my Saturday run because of college orientation. I will commit to going back to the gym next week, yoga too.

Week 15 (August 19 - 25): No gym again this week, but I did pull out my running clothes. Saturday, did my first mileage passed a half marathon, 14 miles. We took our time, a little over 3 hours. I broke the clip on my Moractv and drank all my water, plus two gatorades. And once again my running buddies, Brenda and Ve, got me through. I played in the swimming pool that night which made my legs and back feel better. Sunday, I volunteered to be a cheerleader at The Hottest Half Marathon and 10K. I had the brilliant idea to walk from the finish line to the mile 10 marker, the give up spot. As I walked, I decided to use it as my recovery walk. By the time I made it to mile marker 11, I realized I made a bad decision and should have drove to mile marker 10. It was too hot to be strolling through White Rock Lake. I made it to 10 just in time for some runners and to observe the "Speed Granny". This lady walks circles around us, and I do mean walk. Speed Granny walks between a 9:30-10 minute mile, she's in her 90s. My goal is to beat her one day, just one race and I will be happy.

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