
Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Four Seasons Is More Than A Resort and Spa

Today, February 3, 2013, I participated in my first race of the new year, the Texas Half. This race also marked the end of the Four Seasons Half Marathon Challenge, which is to run a half in all four seasons. Today was the winter race. The winter temp for today's start time was in the high 30s, light jacket, gloves and earmuff. By race end, the temps felt like the high 50s or low 60s; which meant chest cold for me. I, along with some of the other BGR members, had no desire to run this morning. We were all kind of like blah, let's get this over with. My goal was to just finish this darn race. If I could beat my first ever marathon time of 2:47 by one minute, I would be satisfied.

My strategy was to run the first two miles, the warm-up miles, nonstop, then start my 5:1 intervals. I was trying to keep it at a 12 minute mile pace, but when I glanced at my watch, I was running 10:36, I needed to slow down. As I made my way pass the crowd of runners that were either having social conversations or walking, I lost Cheryl and Ve. So I thought to myself I'll slow down after the 2 miles. At the 1.5 loop, I saw Cheryl close behind me, but no Ve. I became a little concerned because Ve had indicated earlier she really did not want to run today. So I said a runner's prayer, please don't let Ve quit. Then I see Ve, she was really taking her time.

Shortly before the 5K turnaround point, Cheryl caught up with me...good. We started on our 5:1 interval. We both told each other we were not feeling this race, so we slowed our pace. By mile 9, I had to use the restroom really bad, but no port-a-pots. I started scanning the bushes, but no good spots. So I told my bladder it was going to have to wait.

Finally, we have the finish line in sight, just in time for our one minute break. All of a sudden we hear, it's about time you two started walking. We turn around, we have picked up a new running partner. This lady said she was using us to get her to the finish line but we wouldn't slow down. We told her to come on let's get this done. Cheryl said she wanted to finish by 2:30; I wanted to finish by 2:46. We finished at 2:38:34, I set an official PR. I was too stiff and tired to do my celebration dance. I received my medals, the Texas Half and the Four Seasons Half Marathon Finisher. I was really proud of myself, I came back from an injury and set a PR.

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